Have you ever wondered what makes some couples stay madly in love even after 50 years of living together? While others can barely stand each other after the honeymoon in Hawaii comes to a bitter-sweet end. And it has nothing to do with elusive love-potions extracted from the most remote parts of this planet...
According to Erich Fromm, a highly established social psychologist in the field of relationships, it’s a skill that’s developed over time.
Yes, that’s right:
A long-lasting relationship isn’t only about emotions and feelings.
It’s about practice:
And with this in mind, here are vital features that make the exceptional few spend the rest of their lives with each other!
Consistency is Key
It’s as simple as that. To keep the fire burning, you’ve got to be the same goofy, adorable, firm, bold, brave, (or whichever adjective suits your personality) person your partner fell in love with.
While it may be natural to take the gas off the pedal once you start dealing with proverbial issues such as paying the mortgage, or raising the kids, avoid complacency at all costs.
To keep your partner’s love flowing, you’ve got to play the part of the romantic lover he or she first met and fell in love with.
We all love to relive those moments of nostalgia. So, take the time to do most (if possible, all) the nitty gritty things that made your partner fall head over heels for you in the first place.
Listening is an art that’s known by many but mastered by few. It’s an essential skill that shows the person we love that we care about what is going on in their lives.
It’s also one of the ways that will make you avoid being the type of couple who sit depressingly staring at each other’s phones when spending time together.
When you listen to your partner’s issues, problems, and concerns, the two of you are able to solve even the slightest problems and nip them in the bud before they escalate into arguments.
Have a Forgiving Heart
When you spend time with someone for so long, the two of you are bound to cross each other’s paths. It’s important that you forgive them right away before you even address the issue. By doing so, the two of you will be able to handle your problems with much cooler heads, and without putting your relationship at risk. And for minor qualms, practice forgiving them instantly and the two of you will always be happy.
Always Maintain the Flirtation
Since you’re in it together, flirting is essential in maintaining the fire in the relationship. Don’t make the assumption that just because the two of you have been seeing each other for so long, it means that you have to tone down the flirting. If anything, it should be twice as intense.
Still kiss them the cheekily the moment they walk through the door!